A guide to explain some of the commonly changed settings in the MediRoutes Desktop App.
To start, open the Data Tab in your desktop app and navigate to Other on the second row of tabs, then Settings on the third row.
Each setting is changed by either selecting a new Value (like the one above) or by typing in a new Value and clicking Update. You can also view the history of changes made to settings below the Update button. Review the list below to find settings by name in the dropdown box of the Settings tab and to learn more about what they are used for.
Note: This article does not cover all settings in the list. For questions on any of the settings not listed here, please contact MediRoutes Support.
This controls whether a driver can reorder their trip events on the mobile app. Setting the Value to True allows drivers to move their trip events and setting it to False disables that capability. If trips are ever accidentally scheduled out of order, being able to reorder trip events may prevent a driver from having to contact their dispatcher to move trips.
This controls a driver’s ability to initiate a break themselves through the mobile app. Setting the Value to True allows drivers to do so but setting it to False disables them from doing so.
These both control the prompt for the driver’s signature on the mobile app. Drivers can be asked to complete their signature when performing their Pull-Out at the start of the day, their Pull-In at the end of the day, or both. The Value is set to either True or False, True meaning they will be asked for the signature on the respective event and False meaning they will not be asked to sign. Some brokers require a driver’s signature, which would mean that at least one of these events needs to be enabled to collect that signature.
This will affect how street routed distances are calculated. This only applies to trips that are created using our Bing Maps system routing to calculate the distance, and the two values to choose from are Time and Distance. Setting the Value to Time will route trips based on the shortest amount of time it will take to reach the destination. Setting the Value to Distance will favor the shortest street route or shortest number of miles to get to the destination.
This is another True or False setting that enables or disables the system’s ability to automatically confirm a Driver Cancel/No Show/Dry Run. Setting the Value to True means that Driver Cancels done in the mobile app will be automatically confirmed in the system. Setting the Value to False means that a dispatcher will have to confirm any Driver Cancels.
When enabled, this setting will automatically cancel the return trip for a passenger who was a confirmed no show on their appointment trip. If a driver cancel is performed on an appointment trip and confirmed, then the return trip for that same passenger will be automatically cancelled with this setting enabled. It is a True or False setting, so True enables the automatic cancel of the return trip, and False disables it.
This is to set the format for the way times will display in the system. There are two valid values depending on whether you want military time/24-hour time or 12-hour time. Setting the Value to “HH:mm” will set the time in the system to a 24-hour clock, like military time. Setting the Value to “hh:mm tt” will set the time to a 12-hour clock with AM or PM also being displayed.
This decides how many digits AFTER the decimal point will be used for mileage charge calculation. For example, if the Value is set to 2, mileage on the trip charges would look something like this: 1.23. If the Value is set to 0, the mileage would just be a whole number with no decimal places.
This setting is used to set the number of minutes that will be added to the appointment time to approximate the pickup time for a return trip. This applies only to manually created trips as file import and API trips will already have a set pickup time for return trips. When manually creating a trip, if this setting is set to 60 for example, then a 10:00 a.m. appointment time would result in an 11:00 a.m. return pickup time being calculated for the trip.
This will add the set number of minutes to the time of the will call to create the pickup time. For example, if the setting is set to 10, when activating a will call and setting the pickup time to now, marking the trip ready for pickup will then add 10 minutes to the time and set that as the pickup time on the activated will call trip. However, please note that there is a checkbox in the will call activation window to include this offset of time. If the checkbox is not checked, the will call time offset will not be added. You can choose when activating the will call if you want to include the offset minutes or not.