How to Create Billing Items Descriptions

Billing Items are categories of charges that would be applied to all Funding Sources, ie "Base" or "Mileage." Billing Items must be created before creating rates specific to the Funding Source.

Step 1 - Navigate to Billing Items Screen:

Go to Admin(A) => Billing(B) => Billing Items(C)

Step 2 - Add New Billing Item

Create the Billing Item categories for each funding source by using Add New(D

Step 3  Create the Billing Item:

Enter a Description(A) and specify the Unit Type(B) of the Billing Item.  Press OK(C) to save the billing item

Unit Types For Billing Items

Unit - Used for all charges, except those that factor off mileage or are calculated by hour

Mile - Used for any charge that is based on the mileage of the trip