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Creating Funding Sources

This article discusses how to create a funding source and the various selection options that exist

Funding source can be NEMT brokers (examples include: ModivCare, MTM, Access2Care, Veyo, Verida, etc.) or they can be any company who will be paying for the trips (examples include: local hospitals, nursing homes, private pay clients, group locations etc.).  A funding source essentially indicates who will be paying for the trip. 

To create a Funding source:

  • Go to ADMIN {TAB}, Billing {TAB}, Funding Sources {TAB}, Funding Sources and Payee {TAB}
  • <Click> on the "Add New..." button.  A new window will open up. 

  • Once the new pop up box opens up, enter in the name of the Funding Source 

NOTE: Funding Source Name must be unique and not already used in your system, active or inactive. 

  • Account, Phone, FAX, Email can be filled out if you want to store data on funding source, but are not required by MediRoutes
  • The Options {TAB} is the section for MediRoutes Driver Mobile app setting per funding source. 
  • The "Mileage charge calculation method" setting is how you are charging for PER MILE for the trips you take associated with that funding source. This setting is either: "Routed" which lets MediRoutes calculate the miles based on BING Maps routing of the addresses for the trip or by "Imported" miles from a Broker/imported Trip File or API. 
  • Signature section is for PASSENGER SIGNATURE on Pick up event, or DROP OFF event, or both., based on the check mark. By checking, the Driver Mobile app will prompt the driver to get signature before being able to move on.  
  • next set of options are about Driver Signature PER TRIP, so check if you need a DRIVER signature per trip. (not pull out or pull in driver signature option, but per trip) 
  • Odometer is for Odometer per trip.

  • Import {TAB} is for trip import setting for Funding sources that will have a trip import file or API. 
  • Appointment {TAB}  If you are going to use the Pick up time given to you by the Broker/funding source on a Trip import FILE then select "Use File Time". 
  • If you are going to Calculate the time based on MediRoutes setting for an Appointment trip, then select the  "Calc Pickup time for Appts" check box.