For Driver Insight, there are 5 behaviors that will cause a driver score to be reduced:

1. Excessive Speeding: A speeding event is captured when a vehicle exceeds the posted speed by at least 5 MPH at 30 MPH or less, and 10 MPH at 35 MPH or faster. The event threshold varies depending on speed and posted limit, but usually a minimum of 10 seconds is required.
2. Rapid Acceleration: Rapid acceleration is flagged when the device records an increase in speed of 7 mph or more in one second.
3. Phone Use: Phone use events are recorded only if the interaction is greater than 3 seconds and the vehicle is traveling at least 11 mph.
4. Hard Braking: Hard braking is flagged when the device records a reduction in speed of 7 mph or more in one second.
5. Hard Turn: A hard turn is captured when the device records an increase in lateral speed of 8 mph or more in 1 second, the turn angle is greater than 30 degrees and the speed is at least 11 mph.
Additionally, if Bluetooth is being used or Siri or Google Assistant, this will not count as phone use. This also applies to phone calls. If the person physically picks up the phone to hold it to their ear, that would count against them, but if they take a call via Bluetooth and leave the device mounted, that would not count as phone use.