Creating a Driver User account

A walkthrough article to create a driver only user account in the MediRoutes desktop app.

Creating Driver Only Accounts for MediRoutes Driver Mobile App

Start by opening the Admin tab. It will automatically load on the Users and Roles tab. Click the New User button in the top right corner.

A - Enter the First Name.

B - Enter the Last Name.

C - Enter a valid Email Address that can be used to verify the driver's user account.

D - Create a Username.

Usernames must be unique across ALL MediRoutes systems. We recommend using the driver's email address or formatting the username like an email address.

- Checkmark where it says "Driver" under Add Roles.

F - Enter the three required Driver's License Fields

G - Click Next and then click Save on the final page to save the account.

Drivers Who Require Desktop Access

For a Driver user account that needs to have access to Desktop, you can edit the user account on the Users and Roles page using the pencil button to the right of the user. Check the box for one of the desktop Roles, then check the Allow Desktop Access box and click Save. This allows access to both Desktop and the Driver Mobile App for the one user account. 

Validating Your Email Address

This is a step that all new user accounts will need to do, regardless of if they are desktop accounts or driver accounts. An email will be sent to the valid email address that you entered when the account is created. Within this email, all you need to do is click on the link to verify, and you will be prompted to set your password. 

  • Click the Verify Email link

  • Enter your new password

Your password must be at least 8 characters in length and contain at least one capital letter, one number, and one special character. 

  • You can use the eyeball to the right of the password box to see what you have typed
  • Click on Set Password

Once you have Verified your email and set a new password, you will see a confirmation page that will link to the MediRoutes Mobile App.




Revised Date: 12/19/24 ARB