The operational report is designed to provide an overview of trip performance based on specific events, which include arrival and drop-off occurrences for each trip. The figures presented in the report represent these events. A pick-up event can be categorized as either early or late, and the same applies to appointment time drop-off events. For return trips, only the pick-up event can be classified as early or late.
To run the report, you first need to set up the parameters (rules) for what is early or late or on time.
Setup Section:
- On Set up tab you have options for Appointment and Return trips, only Appt, or Only Return trips. choose what you want, and the items below will be available to set, or blacked out and not available to be used on report.
- Under Appointment Trip, you can choose Arrive or Perform time to be used.
- Allow early and Allow late boxes, are time values to say anything out side these time, will be considered late or early.
- On Appointment trips, you have more option for Appointment Time (drop off). same value options as above item.
- Return Trip, for Pick up event on Return trips, There is no Drop off time, so no early or late (on time performance) value to track.
- Pick up Time Will Call is for Will call trips to track between when time was set on Return trip (activated will call time), and when it was picked up.
- On Time Standards - setting to change color on a Graph, based on % value.
Run Report:
- Pick a date range, and any other filters you want.
Suggestion is to do a single day, to understand what happened on the day in total. Then you can run weekly or longer date range.
- Click Get Report. Once curser is done spinning, open up Graph tab.
Graph Tab:
Once Graph is open, you can see Graph with Event numbers under Headers.
- Top line is Events (pick up or drop off, depending on Appt or Return trip). These values are clickable and take you to Trips Tab and show Details of the trips and times (see next section). The numbers are what values were then trips was either early, late or both depending on Header.
- The list below top line, is Time of Day, like 01 is 1am, 02 is 2am, and so on. This is so you can see event issue per Time frame.
- Graph lines are based on % above, below, or on time events.
Trip Details:
Once you click on a value on the Graph, you will be taken to Trips tab, and will show you Trip details on early, late times per trip.
- On the trip details there are items listed
- Date
- Trip Type (appt and return)
- Name on Passenger
- Req Pick Up time (Schedule pick up time)
- Pickup Arrive (actual pick up time from Mobile app)
- Appointment (appt time on trip)
- Dropoff Arrive (actual arrive time from Mobile app)
- Run
- Driver
- Excess Time (time that is over or under set up times values). This is how far you were early or late on a trip.
- Funding Source
- Space Type
Excess time refers to the duration that exceeds the early or late thresholds set on the Setup page. For instance, if you allow a grace period of 10 minutes for early arrivals, any arrival time that is more than 10 minutes early will be considered excess time. Therefore, if a trip arrives 11 minutes early, the excess time would be recorded as 1 minute over the allowed early threshold..
raw data of events used to generate the Graph area.