Route or Run Management For Building Schedules


Route/Run Management For Building Schedules

Best practice for building a schedule is to only have active the Runs that are available for you to use and only for the times that they are available.  This will ensure that when you are shopping trips, the system is not providing you with options that would not be possible due to a run not being available at that time.

Editing a Run

To edit a run, navigate to the drop down menu at the top of the schedule screen/Dispatch Screen and click on the edit icon (A) next to the run you want to edit.

Canceling a Run

To cancel the run, click on the red X where it says Cancel Run(A).  

If this is done by mistake or later you feel that you do need the run that you canceled, you can find your canceled run by checking the box that says Show Canceled Runs (A)

Editing a Run

You can also edit any part of the run such as the times (A), driver(B), vehicle(C) or garage locations (D).  Once you have edit this information, you can save your changes by clicking on the OK button (E).