Setting Will Call Trips

A will call is a trip that does not have a time associated with it until the passenger calls and informs the dispatch office that they are ready to be picked up.

Step 1 - Locate Will Call Trips

A - Navigate to the Dispatch Screen

B - Click the Box that says "Display Will Calls"

C - Find the will call trip in the list and click on the edit icon (paper and pencil)

Will call trips will be indicated by having a light blue highlight and have a pickup/from time of 11:59 PM

Step 2 - Edit Will Call Time

A - Click on "Set Pickup Time to Now"

B - By default, the system will assign the current time as the pickup time. This can be edited as needed.

C - Once the time is set, click on "Mark As Ready for Pickup"  you will be asked to confirm the time. 

A "will call" that has been given a time is reflected by having a yellow highlight instead of the blue highlight: