When manually creating trips on the Home tab, you have the option to create Calendar trips. Calendar trips are trips that occur regularly or are part of a standing order (common terms used by Brokers and other TP's). These trips are created using templates and are based on the special items you select during setup. They are designed to save time by automatically generating daily trips for the future until you decide to stop creating them.
Step 1.
- Follow link below on how to create passengers, and single date trips, and at the step to save the trip, the Step 2 process below will be used to create a Calendar trips
Step 2.
- Click Calendar tab, all the trip data (address, times, space type, etc.) will be used to create the calendar template and populate the Daily trips.
- There will be a list of Day of the Week, pick which days of the week you want trips to be created on. The Date section will show up, and you have a From date (starting point) and To Date (ending date, to stop Calendar trips).
- Set From date, and from that date forward, the daily trips will be created on the Days of the Week you chose.
*** Default setting is to create Daily trips out 30 Days in advance of Today date. so if you set the from date More than 30 days from todays date, you will NOT see the daily trips, or Calendar trip edit option. ***
- Once the From date and To Date are set (To Date can be Indefinite since you might not know when the patient will stop going with TP), and days of the week are set (as well as all the normal trip info), save the trip and the Daily trips will be created for the future dates. (30 days in advance from today will be created, based on general settings).
- Once daily trips have been created, to see Calendar Template, click the Calendar icon next to a daily trip for that client (Any date will work, all accessing the same Calendar template for that trip).
- Once you click the icon, the Edit section will be Yellow, to identify you are on Calendar Template, and not a Daily trip edit (Blue for daily run edit section).
- Any changes you make to the Calendar template, will affect ALL FUTURE Daily trips (not including Todays daily trips, since Todays date is considered in the PAST), and Nothing will change on Past date daily trips.