How to setup Driver Payee Tracking and Rates

Payee Funding Sources can be utilized to set up a second funding source that tracks the pay per trip for contract drivers or other drivers. You can specify various values such as the amount per pick up, per mile rates, or a percentage of the total cost. This feature makes it much simpler to generate comprehensive reports in MediRoutes, allowing you to easily track the cost and commission amounts in a single report.

STEP 1: Set up Global Setting to allow this function

  • This will activate the Payee option for Run Templates to use the Payee Funding Source you will create below. 

STEP 2: Set up Payee (Driver Pay, or Driver Pay Percentage, etc.)

  • Set up a funding source like any other funding source, but Check Payee to identify it is for Payee only usage. 

STEP 3: Set up Payee Funding Source to be tracked on the RUN/Route

  • Payee Funding Source will be added to Trips that are Scheduled to a RUN. 
  • To set up the Payee Funding Source, edit a Run Template, and choose the Funding Source to be added in drop down. 
  • Save Run Template. 
  • The next time a Trip is added to the RUN, it will have Payee Funding Source attached to that trip. 
  • If you Unscheduled the trip off the RUN, then the Payee Funding Source will be removed. 

 STEP 4: Create a Custom Report in Reports/Trip Log Tab 

  • to track the Cost of the Commission/Payee Funding Source, Trip Sheets reports cane be used, either with a Custom trip sheet page set up to see only certain values, or Datagrid export from Trip Sheets, which has all the trip[ information on it including Commission and Payee Funding Source values. 

STEP 5: Pull a Custom Report with info for Driver Payee Funding Source of Choice in Reports

  • When running the report, you can use the filter for Funding Source, and choose the Payee Funding source you created. This will filter trips with Payee attached only, to make report easier to read and export.